Scientific Program (preliminary)




X Anniversary International Symposium

on photon echo and coherent spectroscopy



Sunday, June 30, 2013




1700. Speech by rector VSUT, chair of the Organizing Committee Prof. E.M. Romanov.

1710. Speech by co-chair of the Organizing Committee Prof. I.I. Popov.

1720. Speech by chair of the Program Committee Prof. V.V. Samartsev "The 50-th anniversary photon echo phenomena predicting".

1750. Speech by Prof. G.I. Dolgikh (Vladivostok, Russia) "Memoirs about professor Kopvillem Uno Hermanovich".

1810. Speech by Prof. S.V. Sazonov (Moscow, Russia) "Memoirs about Teacher".

1830. Speech by scientific secretary N.I. Sushentsov.

1900. Welcome Party.


Monday, July 1, 2013



Physics of optical transient, coherent and collective phenomena

Chairs: Prof. V.V. Samartsev and Prof. A.P. Sukhorukov


1000 – 1040. Sukhorukov A.P. (MSU, Moscow, Russia). Nonlinear optics of pulsed laser beams.

1040 – 1120. Dolgikh G.I. (POI FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia). Application of laser interference method at study of geosphere processes.


1120 – 1140. Coffee break.


1140 – 1220. Rubtsova N.N., Goldort V.G., Ischenko V.N., Kochubei S.A., Khvorostov E.B. (ISP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia) and Reshetov V.A. (TSU, Togliatti, Russia). Light and collisions contribution in photon echo generation.

1220 – 1300. Sazonov S.V. (NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia). Formation of light bullets.


1300 – 1500. Lunch.


Oral Session

Physics of optical transient, coherent and collective phenomena

Chairs: Prof. S.V. Sazonov and Prof. A.S. Troshin

1500 – 1520. Mantsyzov B.I. (MSU, Moscow, Russia). New optical phenomena at dynamical Bragg diffraction of coherent radiation in photonic crystals: theory and experiment.

1520 – 1540. Maimistov A.I. (NRNC- MEPhI, Moscow, Russia).  Nonlinear coherent phenomena in negative-positive-refractive media.

1540 – 1600. Kazantseva E.V. (JIHT RAS, Moscow, Russia), Maimistov A.I. (NRNC- MEPhI, Moscow, Russia).  Solitary wave in a zigzag array formed by waveguides with positive and negative index of refraction.

1600 – 1620. Basharov A.M. (NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia). Coherent effects in the ensemble of atomic-photon clusters.


1620 – 1650. Coffee break.


1650 – 1710. Avetisian Yu.A. (IPMC RAS, Saratov, Russia), Vasiliev N.A., Trifonov E.D. (Herzen University, St. Petersburg, Russia). Superradiant scattering and reflection of light from a Bose-Einstein condensate of a dilute gas.

1710 – 1730. Kuz’min V.S. (International State University of Radioecology by A.D. Sakharov, Minsk, Belarus), V. M. Kolesenko (State scientific and production association “Scientific-practical materials research centre of the NAS of Belarus”, Minsk, Belarus) Signal of single-pulse nuclear echo in the ferrimagnet Eu3Fe5O12 under nonresonant conditions.

1730 – 1750. Goldort V.G., Ledovskikh D.V., Kovalev A.A., Rubtsova N.N. (ISP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia), Reshetov V.A.  (TSU, Togliatti, Russia). Delayed optical nutations and elastic collisions in molecular gas.

1750 – 1810. Bugai. A.N. (JINR, Dubna, Russia), Sazonov S.V. (NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia). Light bullets in the resonant anisotropic medium.

1810 – 1830. Abramov V.S. (DonIPE of NASU, Donetsk, Ukraine). Fractal induction, avalanche, self-induced transparency, the echo in the model nanosystem.

1830 – 1850. Dzublik A.Ya. (INR, Kiev, Ukraine). Optics as a multiple scattering of photons.


1900. Dinner.



Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Optical coherent spectroscopy and femtosecond diagnostics of fast processes

Chairs: Prof. N.N. Rubtsova and Prof. S.V. Chekalin


1000 – 1040. Melnikov A.A., Chekalin  S.V. (Institute of spectroscopy RAS, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia). Femtosecond spectroscopy of correlated phonons in Bi.

1040 – 1120. Popov I.I., Vashurin N.S. (VSUT and MarSU, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia), Putilin S.E. (University ITMO, St. Petersburg, Russia). Photon echo as a method of studying the interaction of intense femtosecond pulses with nanoscale semiconductor film thickness.


1120 – 1140. Coffee break.


1140 – 1220.          Gainutdinov R.Kh. (KFU, Kazan, Russia). Coherent laser spectroscopy of the hydrogen atom and the problem of the proton radius.

1220 – 1300. Gainutdinov R.Kh., Salakhov M.Kh., Khamadeev M.A. (KFU, Kazan, Russia). Electron mass and atomic spectra in photon crystals.


1300 – 1500. Lunch.


Oral Session

Optical coherent spectroscopy and femtosecond diagnostics of fast processes

Chairs: Prof. V.V. Samartsev and Dr. R.N. Shakhmuratov


1500 – 1520. Leontiev A.V., Samartsev V.V., Ivanin K.V. (ZPhTI, Kazan, Russia), Khasanov O.Kh. (IPhSS and SC, Minsk, Belarus). Femtosecond coherent spectroscopy of semiconductors and heterostructures.

1520 – 1540. Vashurin N.S., Popov I.I., Sidorova V.T. (MarSU and VSUT, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia),  Putilin S.E. (University ITMO, St. Petersburg, Russia). Shift-effect of spectrum frequency of the femtosecond photon echo signal in the ZnO-film with quantum dots at interval change between exciting pulses.

1540 – 1600. Borisov G.M., Kovalev A.A., Rubtsova N.N., Semiagin B.R. (ISP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia). Second harmonic generation of femtosecond Yb:KYW laser radiation in semiconductor samples.

1600 – 1620. Lisin V.N., Shegeda A.M. (ZPhTI, Kazan, Russia). New method of optical echo-spectroscopy of doped crystals (such as LuLiF4:Er3+) in a weak magnetic field.


1620 – 1650. Coffee break.


1650 – 1710. Galimullin D.Z., Kamalova D.I., Salakhov M.Kh., Sibgatullin M.E., Shaimukhametova E.R. (KFU, Kazan, Russia). Mathematical processing of optical spectra using evolutionary algorithms.

1710 – 1730. Mutygullina A.A., Gainutdinov R.Kh. (KFU, Kazan, Russia). Quantum interference effects in the interaction of atoms with a resonant laser field.

1730 – 1750. Gainutdinov R.Kh., Salakhov M.Kh., Khamadeev M.A. (KFU, Kazan, Russia). Structure of the photon crystal influence on the spectral consistent patterns of atoms.

1750 – 1810. Avramenko D.A., Gainutdinov R.Kh., Ziyatdinova K.A., Khamadeev M.A. (KFU, Kazan, Russia). Corrections to the energy levels of atoms in one-dimensional photon crystal.

1810 – 1830. Sinayskiy I., Sweke R., Petruccione F. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa). Dissipative preparation of the entangled states in the optical cavities.

1830 – 1850. Semin V., Sinayskiy I., Petruccione F. (University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa). Multilevel spin system in a spin bath: Exact dynamics and approximation techniques.


1900. Dinner.


Wednesday, July 3, 2013



Optical quantum memory

Chairs: Prof. S.A. Moiseev and Dr. A.A. Kalachev


1000 – 1040. Moiseev S.A. (ZPhTI, Kazan, Russia). Quantum memory on photon echo and manipulation with single-photon fields.

1040 – 1120. Kalachev A.A. (ZPhTI, Kazan, Russia). Optical quantum storage based on continuous phase-matching control in extended resonant media.


1120 – 1140. Coffee break.


1140 – 1220. Shakhmuratov R.N. (ZPhTI, Kazan, Russia), Vagizov F.G. (KFU, Kazan, Russia, Texas A&M University, USA), Kocharovskaya O.A. (IAP RAS, Nizhny Novgorod , Russia, Texas A&M University, USA). Controlling of a single-photon radiation state with optically thick resonant media.

1220 – 1300. Odeurs J. (Leuven, Belgium), Shakhmuratov R.N. (ZPhTI, Kazan, Russia).  To be announced.


1300 – 1500. Lunch.


Oral Session

Optical quantum memory and single-photon sources

Chairs: Dr. A.A. Kalachev and Prof. A.V. Gorokhov


1500 – 1520. Gleim A.V., Egorov V.I., Chistyakov V.V., Dubrovskaya V.D., Rupasov A.V., Kozlov S.A., Kozlov V.V. (SPb NRU ITMO, St. Petersburg, Russia). Methods of transmitter and reciever modules synchronization in subcarrier-wave quantum cryptography systems.

1520 – 1540. Vavulin D.N., Kynev S.M., Egorov V.I., Gleim A.V., Kozlov V.V. (SPb NRU ITMO, St. Petersburg, Russia). Classical and quantum channels multiplexing in optical fiber communication systems.

1540 – 1600. Kalachev A.A., Kalinkin A.A., Latypov I.Z., Shkalikov A.V., Akat’ev D.O. (ZPhTI, Kazan, Russia). Single-photon sources based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion.

1600 – 1620. Latypov I.Z., Shkalikov A.V., Kalachev A.A., Kalinkin A.A. (ZPhTI, Kazan, Russia). Optimal combination of temporal and spatial multiplexing in SPDC-based single-photon sources.


1620 – 1650. Coffee break.


1650 – 1710. Gorokhov A.V.  (SSU, Samara, Russia). Coherent states dynamics, dynamic chaos and quantum corrections.

1710 – 1730. Vlasova D.D., Kalachev A.A. (ZPhTI, Kazan, Russia). Spontaneous parametric scattering in opto-mechanical resonators: application to single-photon sources.

1730 – 1750. Losev A.S., Troshin A.S. (Herzen University, St. Petersburg, Russia). Generation and statistics of photons arising in action of the control pulse after “dark pause”.

1750 – 1810. Bashkirov E.K., Mastugin M.S. (SSU, Samara, Russia). Atoms entanglement induced by thermal noise in the presence of atomic coherence.

1810 – 1830. Bronnikov S.A., Gorokhov A.V. (SSU, Samara, Russia). Spin chain dynamics.

1830 – 1850. Karimullin K.R. (Institute of spectroscopy RAS, Troitsk, Moscow, ZPhTI, Kazan, Russia), Князев М.В., Naumov A.V. (Institute of spectroscopy RAS, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia). Exact focusing of laser beams in experiments on photon echo.


1900. Dinner.



Thursday, July 4, 2013



Actual problems of nanophotonics and nanotechnology

Chairs: Prof. I.S. Osad’ko and N.I. Sushentsov


1000 – 1040. Osad’ko I.S. (Institute of spectroscopy RAS, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia). Single semiconductor nanocrystals emission statistics.

1040 – 1120. Sushentsov N.I., Moroz A.V., Stepanov S.A., Popov I.I., Yarovikov S.A. (VSUT, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia). Technology of forming of nanoscale films with quantum dots and methods of their calculation.


1120 – 1140. Coffee break.


1140 – 1220. Vainer Yu.G. (Institute of spectroscopy RAS, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia). Methods of remote fields optical diagnostics.

1220 – 1300. Naumov A.V. (Institute of spectroscopy RAS, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia). Zero-phonon spectral lines of radiating impurity centers in solids: microscopic nature and applications in optical nanoscopy.


1300 – 1500. Lunch.



Oral Session

Actual problems of nanophotonics and nanotechnology

Chairs: Prof. I.S. Osad’ko and Prof. Yu.G. Vainer


1500 – 1520. Belonenko M.B., Konobeeva N.N. (Volgograd Institute of Business, Volgograd, Russia). Extremely short pulses in silitsenovyh nanosystems.

1520 – 1540. Stepanov S.A., Popov I.I., Vashurin N.S., Sushentsov N.I., Moroz A.V. (MarSU and VSUT, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia). Receiving technology and control methods of semiconductor nanometer thickness films.

1540 – 1600. Moroz A.V., Sushentsov N.I., Stepanov S.A., Popov I.I. (VSUT, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia). Receiving and investigation of nanoelectronic temperature detectors and their application.

1600 – 1620. Petrushkin S.V. (ZPhTI, Kazan, Russia). Laser cooling with quantum dots.

1620 – 1650. Coffee break.


Section: Effects of nonlinear propagation of optical and

acoustical waves. Solitons

Chair: Prof. S.V. Sazonov

1650 – 1710. Khalyapin V.A. (KSTU, Kaliningrad, Russia). Longitudinal and transverse dynamics of pulses in uniaxial crystals.

1710 – 1730. Voitova T.A., Sukhorukov A.P., Trofimov A.V. (MSU, Moscow, Russia). Reflection and propagation of laser pulses from running-induced inhomogeneity.

1730 – 1750. Ignatieva D.O., Lobanov V.E., Sukhorukov A.P. (MSU, Moscow, Russia). Spatial soliton propagation control in Kerr-medium with local modulation of nonlinearity.

1750 – 1810. Golenischev-Kutuzov V.A., Golenischev-Kutuzov A.V., Kalimullin R.I., Potapov A.A. (KEU, Kazan, Russia). Nonlinear propagation of acoustic and optical waves through the systems of induced domains in oxide segnetoelectrics.

1750 – 1810. Kotova S.P., Afanasiev K.N., Volostnikov V.G., Korobtsov A.V., Locevsky N.N., Patlan V.V., Samagin C.A. (FIAN, Samara, Russia). Formation of optical  “traps” to capture microscopic objects by means of liquid crystal modulators.

1900. Dinner.



Friday, July 5, 2013



Actual problems of quantum optics

Chairs: Prof. R.Kh. Gainutdinov and Prof. M.B. Belonenko


1000 – 1040. Shmelev A.G., Nikiforov V.G., Jarkov D.A., Leontiev A.V., Lobkov V.S. (ZPhTI, Kazan, Russia). Polarization femtosecond multipulsed spectroscopy of molecular vibrations and rotations in the liquid.

1040 – 1120. Belonenko M.B., Pak A.V. (Volgograd Institute of Business, Volgograd, Russia). Extremely short pulses in hybrid systems “graphene-boron nitride”.


1120 – 1140. Coffee break.


1140 – 1220. Leukhin A.N. (VSUT, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia), Tirckel A. (Scientific Technology Ltd, Australia), Moreno O. (Gauss Research Laboratory, USA), Shuvalov A.S., Potekhin E.N. (VSUT, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia). On the ground states of Bernasconi model for multyspin systems.

1220 – 1300. Genovese M., Gramegna M. (INRIM, Torino, Italy), Maccone L. (Universita' di Pavia, Italy), Moreva E.V. (INRIM, Torino, Italy; MEPHI, Moscow, Russia). Emergence of time from static entangled Bell state.



1300 – 1500. Lunch.



Oral Session

Actual problems of coherent quantum optics

Chairs: Dr. A.V. Naumov and Dr. A.A. Kalachev


1500 – 1520. Kalinkin A.A. (ZPhTI, Kazan, Russia), Bogdanov Yu.I. (Ioffe Institute, Moscow, Russia), Kulik S.P., Moreva E.V., Shershulin V.A. (MSU, Moscow, Russia). Tomography of polarization quantum operations in an anisotropic medium with dispersion and possible applications.

1540 – 1600. Khvorostov E.B., Goldort V.G., Ischenko V.N., Kochubei S.A., Rubtsova N.N. (ISP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia), Reshetov V.A. (TSU, Togliatti, Russia). Stimulated photon echo in 174Yb atomic vapor at excitation by linearly and circularly polarized pulses.

1600 – 1620. Samartsev V.V., Leontiev A.V., Mitrofanova T.G. (ZPhTI, Kazan, Russia). "Entangled" free-induction decay signals in a semiconductor crystal of cadmium sulfide at room temperature at  two-quantum excitation by two crossed femtosecond laser beams.


1620 – 1650. Coffee break.


1650 – 1710. Troshin A.S., Timofeev A.C. (Herzen University, St. Petersburg, Russia) Analysis of the distribution features of light pulses or control in conditions of electromagnetically induced transparency in the quantization of the probe pulse field.

1710-1730. Ryjov I.V., Vasiliev N.A. (Herzen University, St. Petersburg, Russia). Generation regimes three-level medium in a circular cavity.

1730-1750. Rusetsky G.A., Khasanov O.Kh. (IPhSS and SC, Minsk, Belarus), Rubtsova N.N. (ISP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia). The dynamics of lasers with passive mode locking with the collective effects in “SESAM” mirrors.

1750 – 1810. Birukov A.A., Shleenkov M.A. (SSU, Samara, Russia). Functional calculation method of the transition probabilities of quantum systems interacting with the electromagnetic field.



conclusive session

Chairs: Prof. I.I. Popov and Prof. V.V. Samartsev

Adoption of DECISION





Saturday, July 6, 2013

The cultural program